Monday, June 16, 2014

Living in the here & now

Well hey bloggedy-blog world! It's nice to meet you. I'm Louisa, aka lover  of Jesus, hot weather, the color green, anything with polka dots, pretty quotes, and chocolate milkshakes. I'm a born and raised South Carolina girl, where the grass is green and the skies are almost as big as people's hearts around here. Another fun fact about me, I LOVE reading blogs. It's one of my favorited past times. In fact, I love reading blogs so much that my boyfriend asked me to prom over my favorite one!! I'll have to tell y'all about a few of my favorites later.
Anyways, this blog seemed only natural for me to make, considering how much I love reading blogs. I thought something along the lines of "Hey, I want to do that too!". The more I thought about it the more perfect it seemed, especially at this time in my life. I am about to begin my senior year of high school, I'm living my last year at home, I'm standing at the footstep of the beginning of my adult life. So this blog will serve as a way to document my memories, my laughs, my hardships, my thoughts, the different seasons of my life. I think it also serve as a way to help me appreciate the here & now (hence the title). One day when I go back and read through these posts, it'll hopefully highlight just how much Jesus has worked through my life. Y'all that's my first confession here; I so want Jesus to work through me. As my favorite hymn , Come Thou Fount, says, I want Him to take my heart and seal it. 
So, there it is. There's the game plan. And here comes my life.  

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