First, you should probably watch this video. Otherwise you might think I'm a transey wanna-be. *Disclaimer* Being a girl is way better than being a boy. (And I'm not biased.)
Anywho, onto the post. I thought it would be fun to play pretend for a second and make a list of what I would do/think if I were a boy. (I was kinda inspired by my favorite Beyoncé song) So, without further a do, here's what I would do if I were a boy...
1. I would keep my hair shorter than short. I mean HELLO rolling out of bed at 8:10 and walking out the door at 8:12. It's a no brainer for this sleep lover.
2. I would be the ultimate southern gentleman. I will never understand why more boys don't revel in their Knight-in-shining-armour role! Girls are absolute suckers for a gentleman. It's automatic brownie points! And even though I'm not the biggest brownie fan, I love brownie points!
3. I would not think girls were complicated, nor would I tell them they were crazy. (See number 4)
4. I would surprise my girlfriend with food. All the time. Like we're talking everyday. It is the obvious way to a girls heart! I wouldn't waste my money on some extravagant diamond necklace to because I would know that a Chik-Fil-A sandwich with plenty of CFA sauce would make her heart just as happy.
5. I would not play football. Too many possible injuries and too much time.
6. Or wrestle. I don't get how wrestling is still a sport. What is it about it that makes guys want to put on spandex one pieces that show their junk just to roll around with another guy wearing the exact same costume?
7. I would work my little booty off to get a rockin set of pecks and abs so I could walk around shirtless. It's socially acceptable, so why not??
Well, I could only come up with 7 things I would do differently if I were a boy...#GirlPower!!!
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