I know that probably 2 people read this blog; my mom and the random person who stumbled upon it via google. I know that and yet still, I want to post.
I’ve actually wanted to post on here for the past few months. It’s been nagging at me, kind of like the urge to go pee. It’s been constantly on my mind and I’ve known once I started posting again I would break through this invisible barrier in my mind, but for reasons unknown (side note:that’s a really good song by The Killer”s) I just didn’t try to write anything.
Actually that reason is known. That reason is that barrier I just mentioned. That barrier was built up, layer by layer, out of fear. And that fear really just was the result of insecurities. Typing that out even brings up the same insecurities. The insecurity that someone, somewhere, possibly someone I know, will read this blog and think I’m crazy. That I write stuff with really bad sentence structure and that I write stuff that doesn’t make sense. So, for fear of this anonymous person’s judgment, I stopped posting. Because the truth is, sometimes I think I’m crazy too. I have this internal conflict over my realness on this blog.
The whole vulnerability of it scares me. But then at the same time, I believe there’s beauty in honesty. And I wish people made more room for genuine honesty in their lives. So I’m making more room for it in mine. There’s love in the sacrifices made to be genuine. For me, that sacrifice looks like me getting over my earthly insecurities. I’m laying my fears at my cyber-altar, laying them down here so that I can free up my hands to type out what may be non-sensical to some, but what is always my best effort at coming to know my Author more deeply.
You see, my blogging here is always and foremost for the purpose of leaning into, growing in, and discovering more and more of this God-man named Jesus. This blog wasn’t created for me to just fill my piece of the inter-webs up with random noise. No, I created this here blog with the intent of it being a place to meet God. Meet with Him, meet to talk with and about Him. I like to think that no matter how small my efforts may appear to someone else, God, who knows my heart, knows that I am putting forth my honest and genuine effort to move my feet closer to His Kingdom. So that’s my explanation, mom and random stranger.
While I’m at this whole explaining thing, I want to explain myself. Writing down the attributes and the characteristics and the pieces that make up who you are today I think is a good way to check your heart out. And in case someone besides my mom is indeed reading this, I want you to know a little more about the person behind all these black and white letters.
First you should know, I’m a romantic and a feeler and a idealist. That’s a lethal combination, friends. That means I hope for the best. That means I love a good love story. That means I believe in everyone’s potential (thanks to grace). That means I give second and third and fourth and fifth chances inherently. It’s in my DNA to forget people’s damaging powers sometimes a little too quickly. That means I have a sensitive heart, which in turn causes me to be extra sensitive towards other people’s hearts. They say the way you make other people feel about themselves tells a lot about what kind of person you are, and I couldn’t agree more. I want to be the kind of person that makes people feel loved, respected, valued, and included. I want to make people feel like they are worth the love of Christ. Like they are created intentionally and that they play a valuable role in a part of a picture much, much bigger than themselves. I want to be the type of person that points people upward, not back at me. I know those are high, dreamy goals (I told you I’m an idealist right?) and I fail at them more times than I’d like to count, but they’re my aims none the less.
I’m an extroverted introvert. Which basically means I don’t know which one I am. I love love love being with people, but I prefer small groups over large ones and I also love spending an afternoon with just me and a good book. I see value in having a night to yourself but I also am always down for meeting up with someone, which leads to my next attribute...
One of my ultimate favorite hobbies (it really is a hobby to me) is talking to people. There is something so incredibly special about spending an hour or two digging yourselves deep into a conversation, whether it be over dinner or lunch or milkshakes or while walking or stargazing or fishing or tanning. Nothing gives you a better glimpse into someone’s heart, someone’s dreams, someone’s innermost workings than a good, old fashioned, face-to-face chat. It lights me up, that formation of a bond. People love to be heard too, it’s an interesting way to let someone know you care. To care enough to sit with them and just talk about your hopes and dreams and passions and visions and plans and pasts and near and far away futures is a beautiful, soul enriching thing.
I firmly believe that we are each intentionally created. That we are created out of love in order to love. I believe in being optimistic, because what’s the point in being negative when Jesus has already won the victory over all things negative. Nothing seems like a bigger waste of time to me than spending time hating, tearing down, or in any way belittling someone else. I’m totally guilty of falling into each of those action’s traps, but it’s a waste of time. As someone who has been on both sides of it, I shudder to think of the time I’ve wasted being any sort of hurtful towards my fellow human beings.
Which reminds me, I’m a human being. I’ve messed up. Big time. Big mistakes. Dark stuff. Well, dark to me. Other people might laugh at the memories that make up my regrets, but comparison is a tricky little booger and I don’t like playing its game. But because I’ve done those things, because I’ve tasted sin first hand, I can sit here and honestly type out to you that God is real. That He is faithful. That He is full of love, not judgmental legalism. That on His path, the path that leads to HIs heart, the path I’m constantly in search of, life is still hard, people will still hurt you, you’ll still hurt people, you’ll have a poop ton of questions, you’ll still have doubts that will haunt you at some points, BUT God is in the thick of it. Proof of Him is in the highs and the lows, in the subtly answered prayers, in the people that you’ll meet that’ll love on you for no good reason, in the perfectly timed refreshers, whether those refreshers be a cold glass of water, a really good movie, a moving book, or an inspiring person; the proof is always there. You just have to have the eyes to see it and the heart to accept it. And that’s my goal. To have the eyes to see and the heart to accept and the hands to give all that God has for me.
So that’s a piece of me, typed out here for you to read. I hope reading that made you feel like you’re not alone in this mess of a world. I hope you feel loved. I hope you know that I’m only an email away if you want to talk to someone that’ll type back with lousy sentence structure.
With love,