Saturday, January 17, 2015


Tonight my heart is feeling the weight of the pain and the hardships that is shared by too many people. I feel so heavy and yet i know my mind only comprehends and recognizes a sliver of what i have n-e-v-e-r been exposed to. Of what I have been protected from…but what about those with no protection? I find myself waging an internal battle between thoughts of anger and being too quick to assume and pronounce that those who struggle are less fortunate than I, and between thoughts of realization that just because I have a roof over my head, and a car, and too many clothes, and such an easy life that my biggest physical struggle is keeping my room tidy, does n-o-t mean I am more fortunate. They say “some people are so poor that all they have is money.” What if there are people struggling with battles I literally cannot imagine? What if those same people have the faith that can and does move mountains? They might not have cars and heat on cold nights and scarves upon scarves to choose from on a cold day, but what’s the eternal measurement of wealth? Scarves or life-depending, completely surrendered faith? What’s the true definition of fortune? What’s the greater value? An easy life or the faith that Jesus will r-e-c-o-g-n-i-z-e upon our deaths? What would I rather have? The satisfaction of keeping up with the material world or the knowledge and protection of Jesus? What if the “safety” and “protection” I’ve been given isn’t actually protection or safety at all? What if I have become so comfortable and content in my safety-net of materialism and acceptance that I have avoided looking into the eyes of the needy and the broken and the desperate and the meek? That I have brushed off to someone else what Jesus Himself doesn’t call just “someone else” to do? That I have chosen comfort over faith? What brings Jesus the most glory?  

Highs & Lows

Hey y'all!
Guess what?
This past week has been one 7-day-longggg slump.
You know the kind of days I'm talking about? You feel swiped. Empty. Bored. Aimless. Scared. Out of it. Just plain l-o-w. They are the worst kind of days. I still can't figure out why they come around every once and awhile...but some how they always manage to blind me of the joy and contentment that I usually keep a firm grasp on. All I can think of when thinking of those kind of days is EW.
So I've been trying to find a secret cure-all ingredient (if you will) that makes those low days go and I THINK I'VE FOUND IT! This little buddy is what makes me smile, makes me squeal with happiness, makes me so excited that I just cannot help but shake some spirit fingers out of pure excitement. It's PASSION. P-a-s-s-i-o-n.
For me, passion is an internal fire that can light up your entire soul. It turns on your internal light and makes everything seem clearer and more obtainable and just plain happier. It gives you hope and direction and joy. It radiates from you and becomes absolutely contagious to anyone around you. But what gets you passionate? What lights your soul up? Where do you turn to find your joy and direction and hope? Or, on those especially gross days, what is it that reminds you that passion exists?
Here's my list:
-Talking about the future (something about planning out what I want to be doing a year from now just gets me going)

-Pretty pictures (the kind of pictures that you just stare at for  5 minutes in awe of)

-Listening to people talk about things they are passionate about (I'm very easily inspired so when I hear someone talking about what they l-o-v-e I cannot help but smile along with them)

-Optimistic music (the non-cheesy, yet still inspirational type)

-Creating something colorful and fun (only when I'm feeling patient)

Honestly though, my favorite thing about passion is Who makes it. When I'm smack dab in the middle of those joyful and passionate highs, sometimes I'm stopped dead in my tracks by the thought that JESUS makes those passions. I guarantee each of the things we are each independently passionate about are not the same. We've each been designed with special passions....and sometimes we get to join up with different people and bond over things we're equally passionate about...those rushes of passion and surges of sheer joy are where Jesus is LIVING! He not only made those precious moments but He is PRESENT there! He has shown up and is getting pumped with us!!! He gets a rush from seeing the LOVE and PASSION and JOY radiate from us because it is a reflection of HIM! If that doesn't give you chills, to realize Jesus is in our midst, then I don't know what will! PRAISE.

Now here is a picture of a baby monkey that makes me smile & hopefully it'll make someone else smile too :)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

First things first, God's the realest... (Thanks Iggy)

I really do not know how to introduce this so...I'll cut to the chase. These thoughts have been doing laps around my brain for the past few weeks and today feels like the day to get them all out. 
     So often it feels like Christians are wearing masks...especially in the golden age of social media where everyone shows their highlights. Even as a follower and lover of Jesus, too often I feel like there's too much froo-froo and not enough of the nitty gritty being told. People only seem to talk about their best moments when they're quoting a bible verse...but I want to see Jesus in my everyday. Even in the seemingly mundane moments. I know He's there, but I want to fully embrace Him during the highs and the lows and the uh ohs that make up my life. I don't want to reach a certain age and realize that I put God in a box of "God Moments" reserved for either the really great or the really sad. I believe God is with me everywhere, in every moment. Not only that, but I believe The Maker revels in seeing His creations in full force. In all of our human realness. God doesn’t care how good we can fake being okay..He cares how we actually are. He created real people that can feel real emotions, experience real moments, and make real mistakes...He sees our beauty in our realness. Not only does He see our beauty in our laughter, dancing, and celebration, He sees our beauty in our mistakes, in our trials, in our lows too, because in those moments or days or weeks, He can show up with all His strength and love and grace. So wherever you are, praise Him, seek Him, open your authentic self up to Him. Pursue Him whether it be with open arms or flowing praise or clenched fists or gritting teeth or big fat tears or make-your-lungs-burn laughter. Let His light shine through your darkness or let His light make your light even brighter…whatever it looks like for us, let's just be real with The Realest.
PS: my sincerest apologies for the corny Iggy reference